Stay Up to Date on the Cannabis Industry with Herban Creative.

Does Your Marketing Adhere to Cannabis Advertising Regulations?
Does Your Marketing Adhere to Cannabis Advertising Regulations? 2560 1703 Herban Creative

Does Your Marketing Adhere to Cannabis Advertising Regulations?

Important Advertising Regulations Any Cannabis Business Should Know As of May 2020, cannabis is illegal in 6 states, entirely legal in 11 states, and has mixed legality in 33 states; it remains illegal at the federal level.[1] While it’s hard enough to keep up with the legalization laws between medical, recreational, and CBD, businesses must…

Cannabis Marketing: Increasing Your Conversion Rate in a Regulated Industry
Cannabis Marketing: Increasing Your Conversion Rate in a Regulated Industry 2560 1703 Herban Creative

Cannabis Marketing: Increasing Your Conversion Rate in a Regulated Industry

The cannabis industry is highly regulated and ever-changing. While the legalization of recreational cannabis for states has recently hit double digits, federal law still deems it illegal. However, where some may see these as restrictions, we view it as an opportunity to get creative.

Can Influencer Marketing Work for the Cannabis Industry?
Can Influencer Marketing Work for the Cannabis Industry? 2560 1437 Herban Creative

Can Influencer Marketing Work for the Cannabis Industry?

For the cannabis industry, digital marketing can come with a few hurdles. With strict restrictions from major online advertising, such as Google and Facebook, marketers have to call on their creative side to help cannabis businesses reach their audience.[1] By utilizing social media influencers, brands can create personal connections to their audience, building trust and…