Herb’s Supply: Elevating Brand Presence & Engagement with Strategic Marketing

Herb’s Supply, a leading name in the cannabis industry, partnered with Herban Creative to amplify its digital presence and drive targeted engagement across multiple channels. Over a six-month campaign, we achieved remarkable results that showcase our expertise in driving growth and brand awareness within the cannabis industry.

Campaign highlights

Website Traffic and User Engagement

The campaign generated over 17,300 sessions and attracted more than 15,100 users to Herb’s Supply’s website.

Organic Search Impact

Organic search emerged as the third greatest traffic source, generating over 3,900 sessions—a 38% increase. This increased brand visibility and brought unique visitors to the site, significantly boosting brand awareness.

Social Media Performance

Linkedin Success

Our LinkedIn strategy delivered over 176,000 impressions and more than 1,600 clicks, resulting in a click-through rate (CTR) 50% higher than the platform’s average.

Instagram Engagement

On Instagram, we garnered over 376,000 impressions and over 2,600 clicks back to the website, achieving a CTR 25% higher than the platform’s average.

Email Marketing

High Open Rates

Our consistent email marketing efforts led to an impressive 38% open rate, which is 10% higher than the industry average.

PPC Campaigns

Impressive Reach

Pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, including search and performance max, generated over 643,000 impressions, significantly enhancing brand visibility across various digital landscapes.

Conversion Focused Pages

Form Page Sessions

The Installation Project Form page saw an astounding increase in sessions by 36,566%.

Product Pages

When featured on social media platforms, product pages experienced a surge in traffic, increasing by thousands of percentage points.

Geographical Reach

Florida: +905% sessions

California: +390% sessions

New York: +267% sessions

Michigan: +172% sessions

This strategic approach enhanced Herb’s Supply’s online presence and capitalized on targeted opportunities to connect with key demographics.

Choose Herban Creative as
Your Strategic Marketing Partner

Our data-driven strategies and creative execution have positioned Herb’s Supply as a formidable player in the cannabis market, driving sustainable engagement and measurable growth. At Herban Creative, we pride ourselves on delivering tailored solutions that resonate with audiences and achieve exceptional results. Let’s start on your next project!