Cannabis News

How Medical Marijuana Was a Major Breakthrough for the Industry

How Medical Marijuana Was a Major Breakthrough for the Industry

How Medical Marijuana Was a Major Breakthrough for the Industry 2000 1333 Herban Creative

Medical Marijuana Has Helped Both the Industry and The Individual

The growth of medical marijuana legalization in the US has seen major developments in the industry, including spillover benefits across other industries as well. From providing much needed relief and healing properties to those suffering from various illnesses to the decline in alcohol consumption, medical marijuana has proved itself as an ultimate gamechanger. Here are some ways that medical marijuana has helped both the industry and the individual.

The Basics

Medical marijuana, comprised of the same components found in recreational marijuana, is used for medicinal purposes to treat diseases and conditions including epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, nausea associated with chemotherapy, and other pain symptoms. As of today, recreational marijuana is legal in nine states with medical marijuana boasting legality in 33 states. According to Zion Market Research 1, in 2017, the global legal marijuana market was valued at around 16,710 million USD, with a growth expectancy of about 21% by 2024. The legalization of medical marijuana is supported by a whopping 93% of American voters, according to a Quinnipiac University Poll 2 conducted in 2018. With all of the benefits it comes with, it’s not hard to see why medicinal cannabis support is so strong.

Provides Relief & Healing to the Sick

Now that researchers and physicians see the benefits of medical marijuana treatment, it has been used to treat more conditions like neuropsychiatric disorders, cancer, and anxiety. Because it is less toxic than other prescribed drugs, it can be used to provide relief to those suffering from chronic pain who were previously treated with opioids. As a result, we see a declining rate of opioid prescriptions in locations where marijuana has been legalized. It has also been observed to bring anti-inflammatory and healing effects for those with arthritis, HIV/AIDS, spinal, and traumatic brain injuries. We also see the growth of a consumption technique known as microdosing. Rather than consuming one large dose, a user takes small amounts of marijuana throughout the day to enjoy the relief without getting intoxicated.

Reducing the Stigma

From a social perspective, the legalization of medical marijuana has begun to reduce the stigma of marijuana usage. It has developed into a billion-dollar industry from previous years in which it was no more than a taboo topic. If nothing else, it has opened up a conversation concerning its legalization which has led to more and more states laying it on the table for discussion and some even deciding to legalize it. This is especially beneficial for patients who depend on medical marijuana but may have been judged for using it.

Rise of New Industries

Medical marijuana has created a demand for newer industries related to marijuana usage. Because consuming cannabis through inhalation is still hazardous for your respiratory health, several lung-friendly methods for ingestion have been developed, such as e-cigarettes, vapes, edibles, etc. Users have also turned to CBD, a derivative of cannabis, that provides benefits without the psychoactive effects of getting “high.” Another industry that benefitted from medical marijuana was the packaging industry. It was shown a new avenue for revenue by supplying users with different forms of specialized containers to house their products.

A Change for Agriculture

The cultivation of another cannabis plant, hemp, shows promise for farmers. Its growth properties allow it to flourish in varying soils and temperatures, as well as remove harmful pollutants from soil. It can also be made into several items, such as clothing and textiles. According to the National Hemp Association, it is “one of the most drought-tolerant crops on the planet,” indicating its potential help in water conservation. Also, the legalization of medical marijuana has led to a growth in lawful purchases, which has created a higher demand for growing. This creates more jobs and financial opportunity for farmers.

Economic Growth

Although marijuana has been consumed before its legalization, the difference now is that states can benefit from legal sales through taxation. This tax revenue can then be applied towards other critical funds such as education, health care, and social assistance.

As you can see, the medical marijuana industry is on the rise. If you are in the business of medical or recreational marijuana, the team at Herban Creative can help you establish your brand. Contact us today to see how we can help guide your business to its full potential.

Understanding Cannabis and Insomnia

Understanding Cannabis and Insomnia

Understanding Cannabis and Insomnia 2560 2560 Herban Creative

Can Cannabis Aid Chronic Sleep Issues Such as Insomnia?

As an adult, sleep is something that we all grow to love, yet get enough. What’s even more common, is the difficulty many of us encounter when trying to fall asleep. Sleep disorders affects 50 to 70 million adults in the United States, with 30% of adults experiencing insomnia at one point in their lives, as indicated by the American Sleep Association 1.

Cannabis has been known to aid sleep ailments. While Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) cannabinoids are the properties responsible for the psychoactive “high” effects of cannabis 2– it is also responsible for the sleep-inducing benefits as well. So, what do we know about cannabis and insomnia?

Here’s what we know

Cannabis ingestion with high levels of THC have better sleep-inducing properties than Cannabidiol (CBD). This may come as a surprise to many because CBD carries a tremendous amount of health benefits 3– such as anxiety relief, pain control, neurodegenerative disorder relief, and more.

While THC has the ability to reduce the time it takes you to fall asleep – it also inhibits your REM sleep cycle. This means, your deepest sleep state suffers. Your REM cycle is essential to your body’s restoration, healing, memories, and more. For individuals suffering from PTSD – this may actually be a benefit as many of the traumatic nightmare experiences 4that come with the disorder are greatly reduced.

Best practices

How do you ingest cannabis 5? When should it be taken? These are all great questions. While traditional methods are usually by smoke inhalation – vaping or using THC-rich tinctures which can be dropped under the tongue before bedtime are also popular for those who have an aversion to cannabis’ odor. Establishing a dosage that works for you is all about trial and error – as everyone responds differently. If you find yourself groggy in the morning, you may want to decrease your dose the next time. On average, the duration 6of effects can last anywhere between 8 to 12 hours – so plan accordingly before bed.

The takeaway

THC has the ability to help some cases with insomnia, however, some individuals may experience increased anxiety  7or paranoia upon ingestion. As will regular sleep aids – sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t. Cannabis as a short-term solution for insomnia and other sleep disorders may be beneficial but be aware of the side effects. Overall, always be mindful of the traditional sleep practices 8to get the best rest possible.

Fully understanding the cannabis industry extends beyond consumption. If you are in the business of medical or recreational marijuana, the team at Herban Creative can help you establish your brand. Contact us today to see how we can guide your business to its full potential.

Can Email Marketing Help Your Cannabis Business Flourish?

Can Email Marketing Help Your Cannabis Business Flourish?

Can Email Marketing Help Your Cannabis Business Flourish? 2000 1282 Herban Creative

Tips for Email Marketing When You’re Unsure of the Regulations

Email marketing is an amazing way to reach your target audience. With a single list – you have the power to connect your message with the eyes that need to see it. Email marketing takes most of the guessing work out of who might be the appropriate audience, allowing you to focus on your campaign with no time wasted.

What happens when you’re in the business of cannabis and cannabis-related products? Things get a little bit more complicated. State and federal laws are still ironing out the legality of cannabis marketing. The discrepancies on a state-by-state basis still leave certain digital marketing platforms with restrictions and an inability to support the cannabis industry, including email marketing.

Who’s out

We already know the highly restrictive selling environments of Facebook advertising, Instagram, Twitter, Google AdWords, and more. Unless you are providing organic content with an educational light – the hard sell is out.

What about email marketing? It seems that the big email marketing guns are out as well. Providers such as Constant Contact, MailChimp, and Aweber will not allow any content related to cannabis products, services, or business. There are even restrictions on providing cannabis licensing information for regulators, journalists, researches, and more. Any activity regarding marijuana, its products, and the industry could result in account closure.

What’s the solution?

One company who was threatened with account closure chose to build email marketing into their own database. Working with a digital cannabis agency could help alleviate any questions you may have regarding the restrictions and laws that are still present. The good news is we are headed in the right direction.

Once you’ve established the right tool to accomplish your email marketing needs – it’s important to offer solutions to your users. The challenges with direct mail and print advertising also rest on your ability to build a rapport with your current and prospective customers, and know where they’re at in their buying cycle.

Customize your emails

The members of your target audience are not all in the same stage of consumption. Some individuals have not yet displayed any interest in cannabis but fit the growing demographic of those who do partake. Others may be beginning the search for a dispensary and have not yet found the appropriate location or product. Some may be in the throes of research and evaluation. It’s possible that you may need to address an audience who has already established a brand or dispensary they like and may need some persuading to consider your brand.

Lastly, there are those that are ready to make a final decision and ready to buy. Each stage of the buying cycle requires a different message. It’s so important to address the needs at each stage so you can direct them to the appropriate solution – ultimately getting them to the last stage.

Email marketing is just one of many challenges present when it comes to digital marketing for the cannabis industry. Luckily, if you’re in the business of hemp and need help defining your brand and navigating the correct practices of digital marketing – we’re here! At Herban Creative, we’re skilled in content creation. We can create content for your brand that informs consumers and drives sales. Contact us today to learn more!

2019 Trends in the Cannabis Industry

2019 Trends in the Canabis Industry

2019 Trends in the Canabis Industry 2560 2560 Herban Creative

What 2019 Trends Can We Expect for Cannabis?

We are on the horizon of significant change with the cannabis industry in the United States. According to SevenFiftyDaily 1, as it stands, recreational use is legal in 10 states, 1 U.S. territory, and the District of Colombia, and legal for medical use in 33 states, 4 U.S. territories, and the District of Colombia. As with any growing industry, more and more individuals are looking into the world of cannabis as a lucrative market with great earning potential.

With the market already inundated with cannabis vape pens and edibles, the 2019 trends are heavily predicting a shift in the nature of cannabis products, a differing target audience, and an effects-based outcome approach to selection. These are the 2019 trends we are looking out for.

It’s all about CBD

Ryan Malkin from SevenFiftyDaily explains that cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the most popularized cannabis products available on the market. Used in a number of forms – more and more this product is becoming the number one choice to relieve a multitude of health ailments. CBD oil has been used for pain relief, anxiety, diabetes, seizures, insomnia, cancer, and more. With its tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) properties at less than 0.3% – the psychoactive effects are imperceptible. Hemp-derived CBD has moved into a less stigmatized zone due to the removal of Hemp on the list of Schedule 1 controlled substances. Hemp is no longer seen as having a high potential for abuse and is now regulated by the Department of Agriculture.

With these changes, CBD has been popping up in other forms such as beverages and sodas. It appears that over half of the consumption of hemp-CBD products in 2018 were in some ingestible form. It also shows that this growing market is beginning to impact the alcoholic beverages industry – showing dips in alcohol sales over recent years.

It’s all about low-potency

The 2019 trends are showing us that on average, most people are moving towards health-conscious options. The term microdosing has been circulating in recent years – which indicates taking a drastically lower dose, with almost undetectable physiological responses. Consuming a nonalcoholic beer infused with a low-potency dose of CBD will create just the right amount of impact, without feeling the full effects. Individuals are beginning to see the benefits of moderation and learning how to adapt the current products already on the market.


An interesting trend of 2019 is that individuals are purchasing cannabis products based on their effects. As it stands, there are products that can give you all different kinds of sensations. It’s amazing that someone could go into a dispensary and decide what kind of a mood they want to be in. The targeting approach here suggests offering your users a desired outcome. The names of cannabis products of the past may have been well-known to a select few, but it would be more efficient to take the guessing work out of the shopping experience and tell your customers what sensation comes from any respective product.

Target audience

Who’s buying these products? SevenFiftyDaily mentions a report by Cowen & Co. explaining, if we were to take a poll and see which demographics of the population would be frequenting these dispensaries – odds are the majority of people would say younger males. It turns out, we are seeing an increasing number of older women. On average, approximately 17% of the consumer population is 55 years in age and over. Because of the changes in legality and health benefits, the stigma has lessened for many individuals.

We are seeing some very interesting trends for 2019. People are starting to change the way they look for products. Are you unsure of your targeting tactics or need more information on purchasing behavior? At Herban Creative, we’re skilled in branding, SEO, design work, and social media. We can create content for your brand that informs consumers and drives sales. Contact us today to learn more!

New Jersey Laws: The Latest in Cannabis News

New Jersey Laws: The Latest in Cannabis News

New Jersey Laws: The Latest in Cannabis News 1280 853 Herban Creative

How Far has Cannabis Come When It Comes to New Jersey Laws in 2019?

According to The Hill 1, the legalization of marijuana for recreational use has helped many states in the U.S. create new jobs and boost the economy. Massachusetts’ new industry is creating an estimated 19,000 new jobs and in Colorado, legalization fostered an industry that has an annual statewide economic impact measured at $2.4 billion with 18,000 new jobs. Although it’s nice to hear about other states succeeding in the cannabis industry, what we want to dive into is how far along New Jersey Laws have come.

New Jersey’s Legal State on Cannabis

Currently, New Jersey laws prohibit the recreational use of marijuana but allow the use for medical purposes. On January 15th, 2019, Government Phil Murphy spoke about these existing laws in his State of the State address and called for legalizing the recreational use of marijuana by adults.

“By legalizing adult-use marijuana – first and foremost – we can reverse the inequality and unfairness left from years of failed drug policies and shift public safety resources to where they can do the most good,” Murphy stated in an interview with The Hill.

It’s safe to say that our Gov. is on board with the legalization, and besides the positive economics and new jobs, he’s also focusing on making sure New Jersey law enforcement starts to focus on the illegal, life-threatening drugs.

According to 2, as of February 11th, 2019, an updated legalization bill and renewed debate in the State Legislature could come “any day now.” However, when a new measure might be introduced and when a vote could be held, remains unclear as of today.

New Jersey, just like other states, could use that extra tax revenue to fix our roads, bridges, communities, etc. On a positive note, recent progress on taxes and regulation, plus a push to act on legal cannabis before the Legislature gets caught up with the state budget and other legislation in the next few months, has pushed negotiations close to a resolution.

“Once we get out of the first quarter, we get into budget world,” New Jersey Cannabis Industry Association President Hugh O’Beirne said to writer, Payton Guion from, referencing the June 30th deadline for the state to enact a budget. “If it’s going to happen, (legalization) has to happen in the next few weeks.”

To keep yourself updated on New Jersey cannabis laws and where they stand when it comes to legalization, check our Herban Creative’s blog. We’re here not only to inform, but to help those in the cannabis industry market their business. Contact us today to enhance your website, branding, social media, SEO and more!

Staying Original in Cannabis Industry Branding

Staying Original in Cannabis Industry Branding

Staying Original in Cannabis Industry Branding 2560 1314 Herban Creative

Find Your Niche Within the Cannabis Industry

Marketing any brand usually begins with a vision and goal. The goal is to make your brand shine, and this is usually done by answering four questions that are on every consumer’s mind. Always ask yourself: what are you offering, why are you offering it, what makes you different than your competitors, and why should we choose your product or service? Marketing your brand in a legal industry can be a challenge; getting the right target audience, setting your tone, exploring the appropriate mediums, and getting users to engage with your brand.

Now, let’s consider the challenges of branding when your market has varied federal and state rules regarding its legality. The cannabis industry falls into some interesting territory with the limitations and regulations for social media platforms, and with the existing content of cannabis critics. Let’s explore some ways to tackle branding in the cannabis industry.

Change what they’re saying

It’s time to change the conversation. With all the content in opposition of the cannabis industry out there, it’s your turn to enlighten and engage your readers with new and informative content. Educate your readers about cannabis, the evidence-based benefits, and be prepared to be responsive to any inquiries they may have. Writing blogs and creating organic social media content is a great start.

The hard sell on social media

Social media and its various platforms have differing regulations regarding cannabis content. The common denominator is that it is prohibited to advertise any forms of illegal recreational drugs or their paraphernalia. Organic content, however, if used in an educational or artistic style is authorized. Choose wisely when you decide on your content, and how you plan to work around the limitations, without losing your bottom line.

Think outside the advertising box

Displaying ads are a little easier when you have a completely legalized industry. The cannabis industry requires more legwork. To make up for the limitations of digital marketing, utilizing some old-fashioned methods may be beneficial. Advertise your brand by hosting educational events and speaker panels. Consult with medical doctors and gather the appropriate research underlining the benefits of medical cannabis use. Allow people to see the face behind your brand and let them know you have done your homework.

Know what you’re selling

If you are in the business of producing or dispensing cannabis, you should know more about the market and its respective products than your potential consumers. It’s suggested that you become the go-to expert regarding cannabis, its upcoming laws and policies, and its overall impact and risks. If you’re well-informed, this may just be enough to put you ahead of your competitors.

Keeping it real

The reality of branding within the cannabis industry is that you will occasionally hit some rough ground. Owning up to any issues with your marketing strategy, content, and targeting is your best bet. Be real with your mistakes and don’t think for one second that you are immune to setbacks. The truth is that the industry in question is brand new, and being open to trial and error allows you to learn from your mistakes.

As with all industries, maintaining a loyal client base and netting new ones is the goal. It’s up to you to be responsible with your content. Try and be genuine with your marketing strategy and always continue to educate and inform. If you are looking for ways to have your brand in the cannabis industry stand out, contact our specialized team at Herban Creative today!

License Requirements and Permits Needed to Start a Cannabis Business

License Requirements and Permits Needed to Start a Cannabis Business

License Requirements and Permits Needed to Start a Cannabis Business 2011 2495 Herban Creative

Are You Aware of the License Requirements Needed in the Cannabis Industry?

Looking to other countries, such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Norway and more – medical marijuana consumption has become legal. A quick Google search will bring you to a colorful chart of each country – and where they are at regarding the legalization of marijuana for recreational and medical purposes.

According to SevenFifty 1

, we can comfortably say that the United States may be following suit, as recreational use is legal in 10 states, 1 U.S. territory, and the District of Colombia, and legal for medical use in 33 states, 4 U.S. territories, and the District of Colombia. Both medical and recreational use, however, are illegal at the federal level. Where there’s legality, there is also opportunity.

If you are interested in starting a cannabis business, be weary of the license requirements and permits, collected by FindLaw 2

, on a state-by-state basis. We broke down key regulations for states in our area to help you better understand what to expect.

The Tri-State Area

For those considering opening up a cannabis business in the Tri-State area, there are discrepancies in licenses and permits if you are a retail marketer of marijuana, or if you are looking to run a dispensary. As with other states, there are limits and restrictions to how many dispensaries are allowed, as well at the actual size of the business location.

New York

The Medical Marijuana Program is governed by the New York Department of Health. You must be a registered organization, in which you are allowed up to four dispensaries. The manufacturing of medical marijuana is limited to indoor, enclosed, and secure locations within New York State. The Commissioner of Heath must approve the products in regulation, in addition to the routes of administration. The Department is not accepting any applications to register organizations at this time.

New Jersey

The Medical Marijuana Program is overseen by the New Jersey Department of Health. Alternative Treatment Centers (ATCs) are what the state considers licensed businesses in the production and distribution of medical marijuana. An ATC permit allows you to grow and dispense medical marijuana after two screening tests and a background check of all parties involved – including regular maintenance of your practices. At this time, there are six ATCs in the state and they are not issuing any more licenses.


The Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection supervises the Medical Marijuana Program. Producers and dispensary facilities of medical marijuana are licensed through an application process on an intermittent basis. On average, approximately 3-10 applications are granted licenses for both producers and dispensers. At the present time, there are nine licensed dispensaries in the state.


The Marijuana Business License is available for Cannabidiol (CBD) and medical programs. The Pennsylvania Marijuana Business Plan Package follows numerous templates for the business and operation aspects – all of which need customization to the various regions, for the bargain price of $8,259. In the state, there is a limit of 50 dispensaries with stipulations that include proof of funds, annual renewal fees, and a non-refundable application fee of $10,000. Applications are not being accepted at this present time.


As you can see, the license requirements and permit potential vary across states. Because we are still in an illegal zone at the federal level, there are some potential risks associated with producing and dispensing. Make sure you weigh your risks and prepare for the respective regulations of your state, including high application fees and management requirements that you must follow to become licensed.

If you are in the business of medical or recreational marijuana, the team at Herban Creative can help you establish your brand. Contact us today to see how we can guide your business to its full potential.

What Are the Rules When Advertising Cannabis on Social Media?

What Are the Rules When Advertising Cannabis on Social Media? 1800 1200 Herban Creative

Make Sure You Stick To These Rules When It Comes to Advertising Cannabis on Social Media

It’s clear that we are moving in the direction of more progressive times. If you are in the business of cannabis, it’s safe to say you should be looking at some prosperous growth over the next few years, no pun intended. And like any business – you are not excused from your digital footprint. Advertising cannabis on social media allows your business to reach your target audience, permitting further explanation of the benefits and rewards of using your products. Because we are working with marijuana on a commercial scale, it’s important to know the advertising policies and limitations of each platform according to Green Entrepreneur 1.

What is Pinterest pinning?

The limitation with Pinterest is using the platform for the commercial sale of cannabis. Advertisements which encourage or boost the usage of any form of illegal recreational drug is strictly prohibited. Fortunately, Pinterest does allow users to post advertisements promoting the health benefits of Cannabidiol (CBD) and hemp products. However, the only cannabis products deemed appropriate are the byproducts of CBD-only oils and hemp which do not contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Pinterest also permits organic cannabis content with a more artistic or educational nature.

What is Twitter tweeting?

Drugs and drug paraphernalia are out. There are some hard rules regarding drug use, dispensaries, accessories associated with drug use, and herbal drugs. Therefore, the use of Twitter to solely advertise your cannabis on social media may be more on the limiting side. Twitter does permit organic usage of the word “marijuana” and there are pages with marijuana themes in which users could tweet about cannabis use and culture. If the agenda seems more organic and it’s not just about the hard sale – promoting medical cannabis could be permitted as well.

What are we Snapping?

The rules and regulations are less clear when it comes to Snapchat. The one thing we do know is that any advertisements regarding illegal or recreational drugs and their paraphernalia are prohibited. You can take Snapchat out of the race if you’d like to run any cannabis ads on a social media platform. Like its other social media family members – content regarding marijuana and cannabis are found on Snapchat, but there is no solid promotion of selling cannabis and its byproducts.

What are we watching on the Tube?

Youtube is substantially more flexible than the others. There are no specifications regarding the advertisement of illegal drugs but it does dictate that dangerous or harmful content is off limits with a “not suitable” disclaimer. Sharing any content on the topic of medical marijuana use and its benefits is allowed – including cannabis material for documentaries, education, and artistic purposes.

What’s streaming on Reddit?

Reddit has more general guidelines in which the platform does not allow particular content. Any content that promotes illegal activities will include an advertising policy with a disclaimer stating that ads promoting recreational drugs and substances will not be tolerated. It does not specify if cannabis itself – medical or recreational alike – are prohibited. Promoting cannabis content and products in an educational and informative light should be okay. 

How’s trusty old Facebook?

Facebook appears to be on board with its other social media comrades. This means zero promotion of illegal or recreational drugs. It will carry your business page with cannabis or marijuana content if it’s tasteful, educational, and organic. If there is even a hint of a promotional nature – Facebook will put a stop to it.

What are we Googling?

Oh Google, why so serious? Dangerous products and services – including recreational drugs of the chemical and herbal form are a no. There are no clear indications if educational or artistic content on cannabis is acceptable in their policies either. It’s safe to say that advertising cannabis on this platform may be tricky. However, Google Bloggers writing on your behalf could publish content related to the herb, so long as there’s no promotion or encouragement of dangerous and illegal content.

Where does this leave you?

We are living in very interesting times. With cannabis, we are somewhere between glorifying the medicinal herb and struggling over its national legality. While most social media platforms may not be on board to promote cannabis today, with continued exposure on the subject we are certainly moving in the right direction.

If you’re in the business of hemp and need help defining your brand, contact us for help. At Herban Creative, we’re skilled in branding, SEO, design work, and social media. We can create content for your brand that informs consumers and drives sales. Contact us today to learn more!

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Turn Your Cannabis Logo Ideas Into A Reality

Turn Your Cannabis Logo Ideas Into A Reality 2100 1400 Herban Creative

What Differentiates Hemp from Marijuana?

What Differentiates Hemp from Marijuana? 1800 1200 Herban Creative