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Tax Revenue from Legalization of NJ Cannabis [$250 Million]
Tax Revenue from Legalization of NJ Cannabis [$250 Million] 1280 960 Herban Creative

Tax Revenue from Legalization of NJ Cannabis [$250 Million]

How Tax Revenue from Legalization Helps NJ New Jersey is in the process of legalizing cannabis, but there are still a lot of questions about how this will be done and what the benefits will be. Cannabis could bring a huge boom to the New Jersey economy, generating up to $350 million in annual tax…

How to Tastefully Market Your Dispensary Specials
How to Tastefully Market Your Dispensary Specials 1280 960 Herban Creative

How to Tastefully Market Your Dispensary Specials

If you’re looking to market your dispensary specials, you may face some challenges when trying to navigate industry regulations. But when working with a professional digital marketing agency specializing in cannabis and dispensary marketing, you can successfully develop a digital marketing campaign that won’t go against industry regulations.

Can I Promote CBD on Instagram?
Can I Promote CBD on Instagram? 1280 960 Herban Creative

Can I Promote CBD on Instagram?

While it is possible to promote CBD on Instagram, there are potential roadblocks that may hinder your CBD ads from getting approved or, even worse, potentially shutting down your account.

  1. “Murphy says cannabis industry will fuel N.J.’s economy as he begins 2nd term”, 2020,