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What the SAFE Banking Act Means for Legal Cannabis Companies
What the SAFE Banking Act Means for Legal Cannabis Companies 1280 959 Herban Creative

What the SAFE Banking Act Means for Legal Cannabis Companies

Under SAFE Banking Act, Legal Cannabis Companies and Banks Find Room to Breathe According to Rolling Stone1, the cannabis industry had a huge victory on Wednesday, September 25th as the House of Representatives voted to pass the Secure and Fair Enforcement (SAFE) Banking Act, a bill that would allow legal cannabis businesses access to banks…

Cannabis Packaging Design Tips for Your Latest Product
Cannabis Packaging Design Tips for Your Latest Product 1280 752 Herban Creative

Cannabis Packaging Design Tips for Your Latest Product

Especially with cannabis products, coming up with a creative packaging design can be difficult when abiding by FDA regulations and all. Here are some cannabis packaging design tips that will please both the FDA and your customers.

The Dangers of Accidental Franchising for Your Cannabis Business
The Dangers of Accidental Franchising for Your Cannabis Business 1280 786 Herban Creative

The Dangers of Accidental Franchising for Your Cannabis Business

As a cannabis business, your goal is increased brand awareness and growth. Naturally, mulling over the idea of franchising arises as a way to expand your market and brand presence. Franchising may seem like a golden ticket to success, but with all of the potential legal implications due to cannabis’ tricky relationship with the FDA and the complicated guidelines of franchising in general, it may do you more harm than good. Here are some things you should be aware of in terms of accidental franchising to keep your cannabis business safe.

  1. Dickinson, Tim. “House Takes Historic Step to Validate Marijuana Industry Under Federal Law.” Rolling Stone, 26 Sept. 2019,