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Cannabis Packaging Design Tips for Your Latest Product

Cannabis Packaging Design Tips for Your Latest Product

Cannabis Packaging Design Tips for Your Latest Product

Cannabis Packaging Design Tips for Your Latest Product 1280 752 Herban Creative

Follow These Cannabis Packaging Design Tips for Appeal and Balanced Regulations

Despite what we were led to believe as kids, people do judge a book by its cover. And, despite the quality of your product, not having an appealing and practical product design can leave your product stale on the shelves. Especially with cannabis products, coming up with a creative packaging design can be difficult when abiding by FDA regulations and all. Here are some cannabis packaging design tips that will please both the FDA and your customers.

Do Some Research

You might think your product design looks nice, but if your target audience doesn’t agree, then what’s the point? It’s essential to study your target audience so you can deliver an appropriate product design to suit their wants and needs. You can even do some audience testing to measure how receptive they are to your potential design ideas. This would also be a good time to study your competition. How are they designing their products? How is it working for them? The goal is to create a product design that sets you apart from your competitors.

Keep It Simple

Having a great product design doesn’t mean going over the top with design elements. Think of it this way, your customers’ eyes endure enough on a daily basis- give them something nice to look at. Consider a minimalist approach that aligns with your brand colors and identity, but still gives them all the information they need to make their purchasing decision.

Play Around with Typography

Not only should the text be legible, it should also compliment the overall design. Rather than cramping up the design space, remove superfluous text to make it easier on the eyes of your potential customers. If they have trouble reading your product text, they can easily reach for another company’s product.

Abide by FDA Regulations

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that there are heavier restrictions on what you can and can’t say in regard to labeling your cannabis product. Unless you want to get into trouble with the FDA, we suggest you read our article on language restrictions. For your packaging design, stick to claims1

that “describe the role of a nutrient of dietary ingredient intended to affect the normal structure or function of the human body”. For example, you can’t say that your cannabis product heals a disease, but you can say it supports brain health. Think of it as a supplement rather than a cure.

Keep in Mind How It Will Be Sold

Selling your product online means that the customers can’t make their decisions based on the touch and feel of the product. So, you can compensate for this by appealing to their other senses. Ideally, your product should stand out online and in-stores, especially if you’re planning on eventually selling them in stores as well.

Looking for a dynamic product design to reel in your target audience? The experts at Herban Creative are here to help you with everything from product design and 3D rendering to marketing your product online. Contact us today to learn more!